The date was 07 February 2010. I walked out of the church looking like a raccoon. I had cried so much that my eyeliner, mascara and tears were having a fellowship. I was not crying out of pain but out of joy unspeakable. I have had uncountable happy days but none of them holds a candle to this day. I dare say that this is the happiest day of my life, so far. Please don’t jump into conclusion; it was not my wedding, I was not dedicating a baby and I did not win a lottery. If these three things were to happen in one they, they will never compare to the miracle I witnessed on the day in question.
Let me say at this point that I took part in the most glorious church service, mind you; I’ve been to thousands of services. It was not TD Jakes or Paula White preaching. The service was not in the US or the UK; it was at Asapa right here in Lagos. There were less than 50 people in the congregation. The venue was nothing classy by any standard… a canopy with white plastic chairs, over-decorated podium and basic public address system.
What made the service super special to me was the preacher. He is someone that the world gave up on…friends, family friends and enemies alike. He was called names to my hearing. Some called him useless, others called him good-for-nothing and hopeless. I have heard people say he will never amount to anything. Based on his riotous lifestyle, maybe these people’s perception of him was justified.
God’s extravagant mercy never stops to amaze me. The same person who was called good- for-nothing, He called perfect-for-my-vineyard. The person that the world called useless, He anointed and called useful. This same person who the world considered foolish, He has used to confound the wise. Even though he was called hopeless, God said “I believe in you”.
On the 07 February 2010, I witnessed what God meant when He said, “is anything too hard for me?” I can stand up right now, look God in the eye and answer “no Lord, there is nothing too hard for you, I am the one with a challenge; my faith wavers when you appear out of sight”. If I were to have a baby right now, I won’t hesitate to name him/her Ifeanyichukwu meaning, “there is nothing impossible for God”.
The best part of this gist is that the person in question is my younger brother, Dede. He didn’t just preach, he ministered the word of God in spirit and truth…he didn’t interpret the bible into what people want to hear, he spoke without doing injustice to the word of God.
I wish Mum and Dad were here to witness God’s answer to their years of prayers. I love you Bros and may God keep you and keep the oil on your head fresh and flowing.
I lift one request up to God; I ask that the same way He came through for my family that He comes through for yours and touch any issue of prodigality you may be dealing with at this time IJN…Amen